Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Cellular World

When I take a look at my own experiences, throughout my lifetime of evolving into a true cell phone consumer, I know that my reliance on portable media was, and still is, vast. I think of my cell phone as an extension of myself. Everywhere I go and everything I do my cell phone is involved. From the alarm that wakes me up each morning, to the texting and phone calls that go on throughout the day, my cell phone provides me with everything that I need to stay connected in the world today. People, like me, grow to rely on cell phones in order to maintain the lifestyle that technology has created. This lifestyle has dramatically changed the way that individuals stay in connection with the people and world around them. Rather than relying on person to person conversation to engage in human relationships, technology creates this "virtual" reality that allows the maintenance of human relationships without human physical contact. This phenomena known as the "virtual" world can be applied to many different means of communication in the present day, not just portable media but in other aspects of information technology. Though cellular phones are one technology that is continuously advancing and people are always adapting. Individuals in society have become so immune to the benefits that technologies, like the cell phone, provide us. This has created a world for people like never before. We, as human beings can now achieve and take on so much more in our everyday lives with the use of portable media technology, and most importantly the cell phone.

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