Monday, September 8, 2008


Hello Fellow Classmates,

My name is Paige Bohn and I currently live in Deep Cove, North Vancouver. I have been attending Capilano University for three years and this is my second year in the Communications Program. I chose to take Communications 253 because it is a course that is required by the Communications Diploma Program and I plan to receive my degree in Communications. I hope that by the end of this course I will obtain valuable experience and knowledge on becoming a worthwhile blogger. The social software that I have decided to examine in my blog is portable media, and more specifically the cell phone and ipod. I find portable media an interesting area for observation because with the emergence of digital media and devices such as the ipod and iphone, people all around the world are engaging in facebook, email, music, videos, photos, text messaging and phone calls, using a single device with the touch of a fingure.The technological growth that has occured just throughout my lifetime so far is astonishing to me. It feels like it was only a short time ago when everyone was using discman to listen to their favourite cds and the mp3 player and flip phone were just being released to the public. Tachnology has come so far from then in such a short period of time and people like me are the generation experiencing this technological change. I find it very interesting to take a step back and think about how far technology has actually come and what life would be like without ipods and blackberries at our conveience. I hope that in my blog I can further discuss the prevelence of portable media in society today and the implications it has on people in aspects of everyday life.


Ted Hamilton said...

Hi Paige: Good start - and an interesting choice of topics. One of the things we talked about in the first class was how new technologies often cause debate between people over how we should organise and conduct fundamental aspects of daily life - like friendships or relationships. Maybe to get yourself started, you could comment on how internet dating sites change aspects of the process we call "dating" - what might be some of the positives and negatives of these changes?

Renee said...

Hey Paige,
Funny story for you, my friend once made a fake internet dating profile using my pics. Apperently I was very popular and it entertained her for hours on end. Ever thought of making a fake profile?